Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Funny, But Not So Funny Thing About Getting Old

Today I got some eggs out of the fridge. I had them in a red bowl.  I went towards the stove, got the oil out of the cabinet, put a pan on the stove, put the oil in the pan, and then...I couldn't find my red bowl with eggs.

I went back to the refrigerator, it wasn't in there. I looked all over the counter top, then back at the stove, looked in the sink. would I put them in the sink?
"what in the world happened to my eggs," I thought. The oil would soon burn and I had no eggs.  Is it possible? did I put the bowl in the cabinet when I took out the oil ? I looked and sure enough there it was!! my red bowl of eggs, lol. It turns out I had taken out the oil, replaced it with the bowl of eggs, closed the door and didn't even realize I did that.

What was that? What just happened?  I'm not even 50 years old yet.
In retrospect, it was funny, but realizing that I'm getting old--not so funny. I spent about 5 minutes going in circles and frustrated-- not remembering what I had done. It's just a little scary.
This isn't the first time I realize that I am getting old.

  Last year, I came to a realization about why some older ladies grow beards and mustaches, and it doesn't seem to bother them. I realized this because I had to start wearing reading glasses. The funny thing is without my glasses I can't see my chin or mustache hair, but put my glasses on and sure enough there they are! what the heck! a little funny, but loosing your sight is sad and it takes time to adjust, so not so funny.

Now energy... well, lets just say I've got none...I finish working, have dinner and then I just want to sleep. I've become that person, you know the one that falls asleep at church just sitting down and wakes up startled when they start to tip over.  Yes, this is a little funny, but again not so funny.

So what do I do to help me battle my funny, but not so funny aging. Well, I have started to take old people vitamins, sort off! I can't stand huge, stinky, horse--pills so I take gummy-vitamins, yup I love them!  and during  my lunch-time, at work, I drink a very mellow honey ginseng and  green tea, just to keep me awake through the afternoon.  I have to say I am grateful that today I finally found my eggs and even though I'm starting to loose my mind, I still have one, and I still have my eyesight even if I need to wear glasses.

Oh ... last but not least, I take turmeric for my aching, creaking, stiff body and my gums. It helps with muscle, tendon pain, and bleeding gums due to arthritis or other auto-immune disorders.

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