Recycling: Saving the Planet, With Crazy Ideas, One Person at a Time

We see the news about the burning Amazon, the pelicans covered in oil from spills, the whales dying from eating plastic, etc. but how much can the average person do to help, it seems so far away and unreachable. The average person can donate maybe $5-10 dollars per charity, after all there are so  so many charities, and it all seems so far away, but what can you do more at home to help the planet? REUSE, RECYCLE, and I'm going to add REPLANT,  and PREVENT the use of so many plastics and non-biodegradable products. Many of you may have the city-provided recycle bin and are doing that, but can you? can we do more on a daily basis? answer is yes!!! ABSOLUTELY YES!!!

1. STORING LEFTOVERS. RE-USE what you already have in your fridge or pantry: instead of buying new plastic food containers to store leftovers-- reuse-existing clear containers such as peanut butter jars, miracle whip jars, pickle jars, ice cream containers etc. (lol, now you know whats in my fridge or pantry) Use juice bottles for water storage for emergencies or watering plants. 

2. CANNING: RE-USE: wash, store and use glass jars from things like salsa, pickles, jams and jellies, etc for canning

3. RE-USING BAGS: I used to use grocery bags to line my garbage cans, then I tried to carry my own grocery bag, but would always misplace it or forget it and leave it in the car. If you want to do these things you can but we can do better. Some cities are making you pay for your own bag, but We can PREVENT non-degradable bag use ENTIRELY! If I am going to be forced to pay for a bag-well it better be good for the planet!
I recently found out there are biodegradable bags already in existence-you can find them on amazon.
SHOUT-OUT to all corporations!! hello!!! McDonalds, Wendy's, Chick-A Filet, Burger King, Kroger, Costco etc--did you see that--biodegradable bags already exist--USE THEM!! because I have been tempted to use my own bag at the drive drive thru (yes I did say that).

4. PLANTING TREES: Sometimes trees have to be cut, wether they are ruining the sewer or rotting your roof, are hard to maintain or become diseased. May I suggest that for every large tree you cut you replace it with three smaller ones. Some good alternatives: dwarf fruit tree-share the fruit with neighbors or take it to the homeless shelter. Also, flowering trees beautify, colorful trees make the block attractive. If you have a hot scorching curb that needs parking shade thats a good place to pant a tree.  Google reports "According to the US Census Bureau's population clock, the estimated 2019 United States population (August 2019) is 329.45 million." 
It is hard to know how many of these are adults or individual households with land to plant on, but could you imagine how many new trees that would be in the US alone, much less the world!  

So the bottom line is, yes we can use the recycle bin, donate to a cause, feel helpless and expect the government to do more or as individuals and families WE can do more, WE can do better everyday and make a conscious effort do our part. Love our planet-be grateful we still have one to love.

Since my never-seen page a well known you-tuber took up his platform and did just what I suggested proving that yes, as an individual and when we work together we can save the planet. Of course he did a lot better than me because he actually has an audience, but still glad grateful he did it.

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